Saturday, September 19, 2009

No more pictures

So I have discovered that the ex husband has stolen all the pictures off my blog. And because of that I have now deleted all of them.

I am angry. Quite angry; at myself that I was so naive as to put them up in the first place in the hopes that only my friends and family would see them, and at him for stealing. I am also quite angry that he would have the nerve to take them and post them on his own facebook page. I personally am of the opinion that when he left, he lost his opportunity to have access to her. He is a dangerous, manipulative and conniving person that has no place taking what doesn't belong to him.

I have learned a good lesson. A hard one but, well learned. I will never make that same mistake again.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

7 month hiatus

Hiatus-I like that word.

For those of you anxiously awaiting my newest tidbit I finally came back after a 7 month hiatus. I didn't post for a while for several reasons, the first being I am a single parent running after a very intelligent, active, energetic, boisterous, beautiful little two year old. It really is a full time job.

So, since the last time I posted about her peeing she has progressed to 99% potty trained. It happened in all of two weeks, I'd tried on and off for a couple months to get her involved and then I talked to my mom and she taught me about BRIBERY. And, I have discovered that I am not above bribing my child to pee/poo in the potty. She gets 1 M&M for sitting nicely on the potty, 2 for pee pee and 3 for, well, you know. And it worked! She loves telling everyone about how she's potty trained, it's cute.

I also have a new job, I am working 10 hour days Sunday through Wednesdays. It's ok but, I am still looking for something else that fits us better. Anyway, besides running after my little girl I am dating a really great guy, who treats the two of us like princesses (which we are, ;) hee hee) but it's a nice change from the last relationship I was in. We've been having a great time together, he makes me laugh!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

forgot to mention that...

the contact case that I found in the garbage did not contain my new contacts. Nope. My new contacts...the ones I thought I'd thrown away...were on my counter top, underneath H's sweater...somehow I missed that in the cleaning process.

thought that was funny enough to share especially since I forgot to mention it in the last post!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day Weekend

So, this being my second Mother's Day so far, I must say it was not what I had planned on nor what I expected. It all starts with Saturday and cleaning...mind you, I'm probably going to sound a little over-dramatic for a bit...

In a perfect world, my house would be clutter-free and spotless all the time but, *sigh*, alas the world is not perfect and so after a few weeks of mess and clutter and not being able to find my counter underneath it all I took on the daunting task of cleaning the whole house since we were having guests over. That's right, top to bottom, inside and out. I worked so hard, scrubbing floors on my hands and knees-I usually use my swifffer wet-jet, washing walls and getting rid of dust, dirt, clutter and mess everywhere.

The cleaning mission ended in the bathroom, where I cleaned out drawers of 99% empty toothpaste tubes and old contact lens cases and broken glass candles and so on and so forth. Then, when the bathroom garbage was full I combined it with the diaper pail garbage and took it to the garage garbage can to be disposed of. Success! My house was spotless, smelled great, and I felt like a super hero...heroine actually! (don't deny it ladies, I know you feel the same way when you've finished cleaning. :))

Then Sunday morning came along and I went to put in my new contacts only to find that I must've thrown them away...ok, no problem, that's why I have disposables. So I pop the next pair in only to be completely dizzy and disoriented...somehow I got the wrong prescription for my left eye...hmmm, I'll just go to the eye place as soon as church is over and get that fixed. So, I pop them back out and put on my cute glasses and we're off to church. At church, the nursery is full so, H and I head to the video room to watch the service on tv, well, she plays and I listen.

When church ends we're off to the eye place with a quick stop over at McDonald's cuz H is hungry. When we get to the eye place they are behind in opening their store, which for a 1 1/2 year old, is pretty hard to deal with...finally, we get in and they can't help me...I have to schedule a whole new appointment and start all over again...excellent. My attitude is quickly turning sour. So, we go home and I decide that I'm going to find my contacts that I'd thrown away (in their case) and use them for a couple more days/weeks till I can find time to get to the doctors again.

I put H down for her nap and head to the garage...I pull out the garbage bag and prepare myself for the stench. I open the bag. I look around on top...nope, I don't see the case. I stick my hand in and start sorting/swiping quickly through the garbage. My fingers find the broken candle glass and I start gushing blood. I apply pressure. I find the contact case. I go inside. Now blood is dripping down my arm. No one else is at home to help me. I clean myself up. The bleeding doesn't stop...for over two hours! I think to myself, this is the worst mother's day I've had so far.

Thankfully, it doesn't end there. I did eventually stop bleeding and my dad came home and my sister came over and we went out to eat and had a good time together. So, it's no longer the worst mother's day, it's a nice ending to a kind of stinky day. Thank goodness for family, good food and good conversation.

Monday, May 5, 2008


Deleting all pics of my monkey b/c they are being stolen off this blog....

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Sick, sick, sick!

Just when I thought we were done with the flu!

I dropped H off this morning at her daycare and then dropped my dad off at work (his car is broken) and was at work for all of 15 minutes when my girlfriend called and told me H threw sad. It's the first time she's ever thrown up in all her 18 months, poor thing. And my poor girlfriend, she's what I call a sympathy puker (I am too), had to clean it up! Ok, gross, I know. But that's not why I'm posting this....I'm writing this because H did the cutest thing ever a few hours later.

So, once we finally got home after getting some Pedialyte (sp?) and saltines, we snuggled and played a bit but then...she crawled up on my lap and laid her head down on my chest and, to my surprise...she fell asleep! She hasn't done that since she was a couple weeks old. I loved it, even though I know it only happened cuz she's so sick. I wanted to stay like that least emotionally but, then my back started hurting and I knew she needed to get in her crib for a real nap so she's in bed sleeping now and hopefully getting better. We've been dealing with the flu for two weeks now! Anyway, I wanted to linger over my cute baby moment.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Getting fit

So, I've decided to tackle my issues with stress eating this year and really get my rear in gear- literally. I've usually associated exercising with the picture above-PAIN, AGONY, YUCK. But have since changed my viewpoint and am just starting to actually enjoy it, or at least am enjoying how I feel after I've actually done something! Up until having H and IG leaving I'd always been either average or a little overweight and only needed to change my eating habits to lose weight. Then I had a baby and when IG left I started stress eating, mindlessly shoving food into my mouth and regretting it later. So with my 10 year reunion coming up, I decided I had to get serious! I hired AJ Benson, my old manager, who is now a personal trainer to get me moving and boy did she ever. Not only was she 5 months pregnant when we started, but she could still out sit-up, and out run me any day. I swear the exercises she gave me were to try and kill me, I was in agony, pain everywhere, I'm talking I didn't want to move a muscle after working out with her because everything hurt. But as they say, "no pain, no gain".
I'm so excited that I have already dropped over 12 pounds and am running (up to 2 miles so far) and strength training 5 out of 7 days a week and I'm seeing results. I can't wait to keep working out. Now, I don't think to myself everyday, "Yay, I get to work out", but I do think to myself, "Yay, I am doing something good for me and am showing H what a 'healthy' lifestyle looks like." I don't want her to have the same issues I have with exercise and eating as she gets older. I realize now what kind of impact my own mom had on my viewpoints with all that and want to make sure I don't pass on any negative food/exercise associations to her.
So, anyway, yay for exercise...I think... :)