Tuesday, October 16, 2007

refocussed and encouraged

I received these words of encouragement this morning:

"but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. they WILL mount up on wings as eagles...they will run and not grow weary and they will walk and not grow faint. His yoke is easy and His burden is light... Come unto me, all who are weak, weary, and heavy laden. Gentle am I, and humble at heart and I will give rest to your soul.
He deals with you with compassion and understanding. He isn't just a Savior unto death but also in life. I am praying for you Arika. He is with you. He hears your cries and says to you: You are not alone.
May the Lord give you great rest and peace tonight. I know He is close to you....."

And remembered that (after smacking myself) He IS Good and He will take care of me. I just have to run to Him and keep my eyes/focus on Him rather than the things around me that are too overwhelming to do on my own.

Thanks L for the reminder and encouragement, it was a great way to start my day today!

And p.s. everything is slowly working itself out and H is a joy to me and now I remember that I can remind myself to leave my work at work instead of stressing at home. :) Thanks again God!

p.s.s. one of my favorite things to do is plan parties and organize so yeah...not sure why that was a problem yesterday...just a random meltdown...


Hannah said...

I'm praying for you! I hope you have a wonderful day today!