Thursday, November 15, 2007

But God...

Every year our family does a Christmas letter that goes out to everyone, extended family, friends etc. So, each of the family units are asked to write something up that summarizes their year. Well, last year, I announced the birth of my baby girl and what my husband and I were up what do you say when your husband leaves? Anyway, after much prayer and consideration I sat down determined to write, but not just write. Write to glorify God, which has been my goal/heart's desire since this whole crazy ride began.

What did I write? Glad you asked...

"Hmmmm, what to say? I think two words can sum up our last year for us, “But God”. Life has taken a dramatic turn for H and me since last year. Two days after Christmas ‘06 my husband of 11 months walked out on us. I had no idea where he had gone and why, only that he cut us out of his life without a second thought. His departure was devastating in more ways than one. All of a sudden, I was a single mom and now had to figure a way out of this mess we were in without a clue where to start.

But God. Provided. Healed. Loved. Led. Walked with us. Protected. Blessed. Taught. Rebuilt. Humbled. Strengthened. And so much more over and over again.

I am in the process of filing for divorce and will hopefully be finished with it all soon. I know that whatever the Lord has in store for us next will be good. Hard but good. H and I live in a beautiful home with my dad and I still work at STEM Int’l with Mission Maker Magazine. H is gorgeous and growing like a weed. We are blessed. And even though I forget to say it a lot of the time it’s only by God’s grace. Blessed be His name this Christmas season and throughout this next year."

As I sit here and reread I can think of so many more "but Gods" that I didn't list but praise God for it all.


Anonymous said...

Praise God! Your message of how God helps us through the most challenging times in life comes through strong and clear.

I have a love/hate view of the family letter that we send out mostly because I don't like trying to figure out how to tell what has happened in an eintire year in one or 2 paragraphs. Love ya