Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Picture Update

Here are the pictures I've been meaning to post for so long! Funny note: Haddie was happily playing with Christmas Bear and her Leap Frog toy so I thought to myself, "This would be a good time to update the blog", but as soon as she saw the computer she speed crawled her way over here and wouldn't let me rest until we took some pictures of her/us. So here those are:

Picture time is over and she's not happy!

Here are the wine glasses I painted for my sister for her 21st birthday:

Here's Haddie feeding herself for the first time! I gave her the bowl and a spoon then turned around to wash some dishes and when I looked at her next this is what I saw, I laughed for forever!

And here I am with Erin and Brevin Isaac, Bernt & Erin's beautiful baby boy!

Ok, I think that's all for now!


Anonymous said...

I didn't know you had a blog! You could have told me silly!
I want you to know that I love Haddie, and that i feel privilaged to spend time with her. She is a sweetie. I admire you Arika. Your dependance on the Lord and trust in him shines. You are a example to so many.
God Bless

Dena said...

Cute photos of Haddie!

Bekah said...

Your baby is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!