Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Psalm 103

Bless the Lord o my soul, and all that is within me bless His holy name...He redeems my life from destruction. He pours out His lovingkindness and tender mercies upon me...(paraphrased by me)

Anyway, I read that last night and am encouraged and uplifted by my Maker. Even when I feel alone He said that He would never leave me nor forsake me. So, perhaps I'm in this desperate place to bring me to my knees before him...again.

Geez, you'd think a girl would learn. But thanks God for reminding me that pumpkins and field mice aren't always that bad and though I don't believe in fairy god-mothers I do believe in YOU. And YOU make ALL things GOOD.

Heck, sometimes we all need a healthy dose of squash and...well, I don't know what field mice are good for but that's not important!


Anonymous said...

that's my favorite passage! I woke up this morning encouraged too . . . I'm still praying. Love you!