Friday, February 29, 2008

Friday afternoons

I only work half days on Fridays and so by the time I go to pick up my girlie, she's very ready for her nap. She usually will not sleep in the car no matter how tired she is, but the past few Fridays I've turned around at a stop light to see this:

Sorry, deleted pics for our safety

Isn't that cute!?!?! I'm so in love!


The Wittz said...

That is so cute! When you take her out will she go right back to sleep when you bring her home? It looks like Haddie's hair can fit in a rubberband that is awesome. Is her hair thick? I still can't quite fit Righteous hair in one. Oh thanks for encouraging me about the hole rat poison- it has been 3 days since that happened and there has been no signs that she ingested any so praise the Lord for that. I love you Arika and Haddie!