Thursday, August 23, 2007

Natural? Disaster

With all the natural disasters happening in the past few years I've just now noticed the correlation between them and what happens with divorce. Disasters take without thinking of the hurt and devastation they leave behind. They don't think of the people and places they consume they just rip up those places and toss them around without a care for the love or memories a particular place holds for the ones that built it there. Disasters don't think. After a hurricane, earthquake, tsunami and even a terrorist attack there is a mad rush to rescue all those that can be rescued. Once that is accomplished there is the recovery stage, accounting for all who were killed and property lost. Finally, we rebuild. We start from ground zero and build again. We build better and stronger and smarter this time.

Divorce or the unexpected disappearance of a spouse is like this too. You've counted on them to be there and to love you through the good and bad and then one day they're gone, emotionally and/or physically.

I call mine Hurricane Ib....... He was a hurricane of incredible force, I would rate him at a 5 at least. He left in such a way that I never expected to hear from him again. He left us without provision for housing, food, care etc. During that time family and friends came to our aid and rescued us from the destruction he left in his wake. Since then, I've been recovering. Recovering the things that he killed in me and dreams and hopes that I had. I'm still in this process and since I'm here I can say that dreams and hopes are some of the hardest things to look at once they've been tainted and destroyed by reality.

I look ahead at days to come and look forward to when I can rebuild because I will rebuild and this time it will be better and stronger and smarter. Even though he has asked to come back I don't see it happening. I don't think that anyone in their right mind would say yes to such a thing. Yet, I've been forced to at least consider it. Yes, I know that a marriage can 'work' after infidelity but it wasn't just that, it was soooooo much more. Not only that, but I don't want a marriage to 'work'. I want to be cherished. I want to be taken care of and to be seen the way God sees me, my value is far above rubies or diamonds or any other earthly treasure one could possess. Most of all, I want to do what the Lord wants me to, I'm just not sure what that is right now...


Bekah said...

Wow. Well said. Im glad I found you on here, but sorry to hear about this. Your baby on the other hand is unbelievably georgeous. Good work on that one! We are coming up to Minneapolis soon, maybe we will see ya.

John Mark