Monday, August 20, 2007

The Slowskys

In a world of high speed internet we here at STEM are subject to the higher powers that be, i.e. IT at Bethany. And for some reason for the few hours I'm actually in the office trying to work our internet service is S-L-O-W. We'd put the 'i' in leisurely. We're obviously closely related to the Slowskys. Anyway, this is an annoying hindrance to my work and my posting here. ok, I'm done griping!

Work is pretty cool even with internet issues and I am excited about this year's Mission Maker Magazine! It's our fourth year and each year just gets better and better. I've been busy getting ads and all that together so that our awesome design team can take over and give us some amazing, God-inspired art to go along with the amazing, God-inspired articles we have. So, that's been consuming my thoughts and time.

The other exciting new ministry I'm involved with is starting a MOPS group at our church this year. We are keeping it small this year as we get started but I'm excited for when we can expand and use it as an outreach and ministry tool. We, the leadership team, really want to use this year to invest in some godly women who we think will make great leaders and join our team in the years to come.

On a more personal note, I'm doing pretty well. I.G. calls every once in a while but a lot less often than he was, which I prefer. I'm not ready and don't really want to talk with him on a regular basis because he hasn't earned that right yet. We're starting from zero and he's gonna have to do a lot to earn any trust back. I'm not saying this out of a 'he'll pay' attitude but because I've been given much godly council and know that it's not my job to make us 'better'. It's I.G.'s job to seek out healing and the Lord and if he is able to do those things we'll go from there.

H and I are getting ready to go on a short, but much anticipated vacation to go and visit my best friend Angela for her 25th birthday. I have missed her so much since January and am soooooo excited to visit her. I'll be posting a lot of pictures! For now, H and I are getting lots of rest so that we'll be healthy for our visit.

God is so good to us and I am so thankful for His tender mercies and His lovingkindness toward me. Please continue to pray for us and that I'll listen to God's voice and leading.