Monday, December 24, 2007

1,000 Christmas Cookies and other wonderful things

Crazy, but true...I have made over 1,000 Christmas cookies this year (and have given 95% of them away. Thank goodness not everyone likes/has time to bake, but everyone enjoys eating). It's been so much fun to get together with girlfriends, cousins and our kids to bake cookies, listen to Christmas music and watch our favorite Christmas movies. I've enjoyed hosting so much and I love that H has playmates when you're all around!

I usually hate winter, but that's when it's just cold, cold, cold without snow. This year, we've had snow, snow, snow and it makes the cold so much more bearable. We've done so many fun things already, like: cookie baking (mentioned above), parties galore, exchanging gifts, eating way too much food, enjoying the occasional glass of eggnog (yes, H likes it too!), getting together with family, watching our favorite movies, looking at the lights, decorating our house, wrapping gifts, snuggling and teaching H about baby Jesus.

What can possibly be more fun than celebrating, especially when you have little kids who take such delight in all the little things!? I feel as though I'm a kid again, looking at everything through her eyes and doing what I can to establish 'our family traditions'. I won't lie it has been hard emotionally, but God is good and He's taking such good care of us. This December has held a few ups and downs for me, but definitely more ups than downs. It's just hard remembering that it was only a year ago and I.G. was still around and I hadn't a clue what was to come, yet at the same time I don't think I've ever enjoyed this season so much. Mostly due to the fact that I get the privilege of teaching H the real reason behind the celebration.

Anyway, hope you all are having just as wonderful a Christmas season and hope you have a very Merry Christmas!

Happy Birthday Jesus!


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas
LOve you