Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Just one of them days...

Tuesday was one of those days where everything just seems to go wrong. It was a perfectly ordinary, warm January day until I got to work...and then things quickly went down hill from there.

My assistant's computer wasn't working and just as soon as we'd fixed that we couldn't network the two computers. Then we gave up on that project only for my computer to start having it's own tantrum. And then my student assistant said she couldn't work there anymore so we are in the process of juggling students from one dept to another. Good times. Sorry Bernt and Jason.

Then, when I've finally made my escape from the office, I go to pick up H only to find her and Erin and Brevin in tears. H wasn't hurt, she was just sad for Erin, who'd just cut the top of her finger off while peeling potatoes. (You can read more about that in their blog link to the right.)

I walked into their house to find Erin crying and H sympathy crying with her over her finger which was gushing blood and wouldn't stop. Brevin was crying because he'd been startled awake by Erin's scream of pain. Kind of funny now as I'm writing this, but definitely not in the moment. So I went into Nurse-Mom-Rescuer mode and tracked down a first aid kit, medicine, crying babies and pulled out some funny jokes / things that had happened during the day to take Erin's mind off the finger until Bernt could get there to take her to urgent care. I stayed with the two kiddos and cleaned up the accident site! Saving the finger tip as a souvenir of course.

Anyway, it was one of those days that I had to remind myself that God is in charge and sitting on His throne and all will be well. One of those days that I'm thankful for His never changing character.