Tuesday, January 29, 2008

-50 F

I didn't know that it could possibly be so cold right here in MN. I though it was only 50 below in Siberia!?!??? And I hear about global warming every day...really folks, I understand that it's an issue, and I don't mean to offend here, but 50 below does not sound like global warming to me.

Thankfully, it's not 50 below where I am, but somewhere to the north in this frozen tundra they are experiencing 50 below 0 weather.

To me, this weather is kind of like Chinese water torture, or pulling out your fingernails torture...ok, just plain torture! It's a wonder we mothers have any sanity left by the time spring comes. We're confined to however many square feet we own or rent...someday, if I keep living here, I think I'd like a big house with a large play area to amuse ourselves in.