Thursday, January 24, 2008

Blessings and cursings

I guess life comes with both right!?

Last night I had a very enjoyable birthday dinner with 7 of my favorite and/or soon to be favorite girlfriends. We had a blast talking, laughing and eating some good Mexican food! It was so much fun and I loved getting to know the ones I don't know so well and getting to know even better the ones that I do.

At the end of our meal each of them went around the table and encouraged me with words of affirmation (love)! I was so blessed and surprised even with some of the things that were said, things that I guess I haven't really noticed in myself. Anyway, I'm so glad that God has been working on me and I know that even though it took ugly things to do that, I'm all the better for it. I love my Lord and He loves me and sometimes being loved by Him is painful, but so so good in the end. I felt refreshed and renewed as we left and so very thankful that I have such great friends here and all over the place.

The cursing parts aren't very fun though...this morning I was shocked to speak with my still-husband's now ex-girlfriend. Sounds kind of like something for day time tv doesn't it! Anyway, he told her he'd been divorced for over 2 years and that's why she felt at liberty to date him. He also told her that the reason he left me is because I have a drinking problem and couldn't get off my tushy to take care of our daughter and that now our daughter is living with my parents and he sends them money every month to take care of her! HA! AND, this is the sucker punch-he also left because I was cheating on him with cowboys!?!?!? I laughed out loud, seriously, he needs help.

I am humored. Praise God that I know who I am in Him!!!


Anonymous said...

Here you are!I was beginning to be worried about you, but I see from your blog you have been a bit overwhelmed lately. Sorry I didn't even thing to try your blog until just now. Let me take the opportunity to say Happy Birthday and I love you.
I actually have something for you but if you got my phone message you know that I have two very sick babies and am actually feeling pretty horrible myself. When we all get on the mend though I might actually leave the house so I can go mail you your package.
Miss you lots. Big hugs!! Good thing they are from far away because you don't want to catch what I have. :)

The Wittz said...

Arika I am so glad you had a wonderful birthday dinner- I want you to know that I love you very much too and am so glad I got to meet your most precious gift, Haddie. I know that "every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." James 1:17 Even though you have had people totally change who they are I am glad that God your ever constant foundation who remains the same and I pray He will give you so many wonderful gifts this year. I love you again!

The Wittz said...

Cowboys? Maybe he has mistaken you for someone in Montana.
JK Panda

Anonymous said...

hahahahah- cowboys.... i didn't know that they were your type. Love you too ! Happy Birthday . You are my inspiration - seriously! I am proud of who you are and what you have done this past year!