Thursday, September 20, 2007


My fever broke sometime yesterday morning and I'm finally feeling human again instead of like death warmed over. Thankfully H is fine and hasn't come down with any symptoms of the bug.

Death-Warmed-Over-Mommy is not very fun though, she can't play with H or hold her too much. She can't carry her everywhere because her whole body feels like it'll fall apart. And worst of all DWOM can't cuddle and kiss her baby for days and days! This is why I'm so happy to not be sick anymore.

I used to handle being sick so much better when I didn't have a baby to care for. Then you just crawl into bed and don't get up for days/until you feel better. Now, I still have to get up at 7 am and feed and try to play and love on H so she doesn't 'wonder' what's wrong with her mommy.

Talk about bad timing too, tons of my friends from my graduating class at BCOM were in town for the weekend and I wanted to stay up late and all that fun stuff but chose to miss out instead of contaminating everyone else and getting worse myself. Ok, so now I'm done having a pity party.

Last weekend was so fun though in spite of being ill. It was great to catch up with old friends and see what was new and hear about what is to come-Lord willing. I was encouraged by what the Lord is doing in each of their lives and to see how He is changing us to be more and more like Him. Granted we all struggle but it is so incredible to see His refinement in everyone. It's also so fun to see the different stages of life we go through, mostly referring to parenting as so many of us have children of our own now.

All this to say, I'm well again and blessed by the weekend...well, the friends that were part of my weekend! We love all of you!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are feeling better. Love you

Anonymous said...

hey you can drop by sat
we are painting all day
sure could use ya if you want
or if you just want to hang out :)