Thursday, September 6, 2007

A la maison

We had a wonderful time visiting Angela once we finally arrived...very long story made short- 2 hour and 20 minute flight turned into 6 hours on the plane = miss the flight to SC and stay the night in the Hilton eating a kid's meal of grilled cheese and fries for $20.

Anyway, once we finally got to SC we had a good time. I don't know how my friends with children did it while at BCOM (except that they had 2 rooms) but it is HARD to live/stay in a dorm with a baby! Extra props to the Dugans, Johnsons and others that finished school while living in such cramped quarters.

Angela had a great room and even her own bathroom so that was wonderful, and she even learned a little about baby-proofing for the future! *wink* H is very curious, as most babies are, and so we had to block things off and hide other things and basically make every day living a little more difficult than usual for Ang. Thanks for hosting us on your birthday weekend, I hope and am sure that you enjoyed having us as much as we enjoyed being with you!

Since being home H has been re-exploring her home and even when I'm on the phone she doesn't seem to care...very unusual for anyone with small children. So we're having good times and we're also heading out again for two days this weekend to be with family so hopefully that'll be relaxing.

I always forget how much I love my bed when planning a trip and so it's been nice to get back into our daily groove. I'll post pictures in the next couple days or so!


Anonymous said...

I miss you guys! It was amazing having you here :-)