Tuesday, May 13, 2008

forgot to mention that...

the contact case that I found in the garbage did not contain my new contacts. Nope. My new contacts...the ones I thought I'd thrown away...were on my counter top, underneath H's sweater...somehow I missed that in the cleaning process.

thought that was funny enough to share especially since I forgot to mention it in the last post!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day Weekend

So, this being my second Mother's Day so far, I must say it was not what I had planned on nor what I expected. It all starts with Saturday and cleaning...mind you, I'm probably going to sound a little over-dramatic for a bit...

In a perfect world, my house would be clutter-free and spotless all the time but, *sigh*, alas the world is not perfect and so after a few weeks of mess and clutter and not being able to find my counter underneath it all I took on the daunting task of cleaning the whole house since we were having guests over. That's right, top to bottom, inside and out. I worked so hard, scrubbing floors on my hands and knees-I usually use my swifffer wet-jet, washing walls and getting rid of dust, dirt, clutter and mess everywhere.

The cleaning mission ended in the bathroom, where I cleaned out drawers of 99% empty toothpaste tubes and old contact lens cases and broken glass candles and so on and so forth. Then, when the bathroom garbage was full I combined it with the diaper pail garbage and took it to the garage garbage can to be disposed of. Success! My house was spotless, smelled great, and I felt like a super hero...heroine actually! (don't deny it ladies, I know you feel the same way when you've finished cleaning. :))

Then Sunday morning came along and I went to put in my new contacts only to find that I must've thrown them away...ok, no problem, that's why I have disposables. So I pop the next pair in only to be completely dizzy and disoriented...somehow I got the wrong prescription for my left eye...hmmm, I'll just go to the eye place as soon as church is over and get that fixed. So, I pop them back out and put on my cute glasses and we're off to church. At church, the nursery is full so, H and I head to the video room to watch the service on tv, well, she plays and I listen.

When church ends we're off to the eye place with a quick stop over at McDonald's cuz H is hungry. When we get to the eye place they are behind in opening their store, which for a 1 1/2 year old, is pretty hard to deal with...finally, we get in and they can't help me...I have to schedule a whole new appointment and start all over again...excellent. My attitude is quickly turning sour. So, we go home and I decide that I'm going to find my contacts that I'd thrown away (in their case) and use them for a couple more days/weeks till I can find time to get to the doctors again.

I put H down for her nap and head to the garage...I pull out the garbage bag and prepare myself for the stench. I open the bag. I look around on top...nope, I don't see the case. I stick my hand in and start sorting/swiping quickly through the garbage. My fingers find the broken candle glass and I start gushing blood. I apply pressure. I find the contact case. I go inside. Now blood is dripping down my arm. No one else is at home to help me. I clean myself up. The bleeding doesn't stop...for over two hours! I think to myself, this is the worst mother's day I've had so far.

Thankfully, it doesn't end there. I did eventually stop bleeding and my dad came home and my sister came over and we went out to eat and had a good time together. So, it's no longer the worst mother's day, it's a nice ending to a kind of stinky day. Thank goodness for family, good food and good conversation.

Monday, May 5, 2008


Deleting all pics of my monkey b/c they are being stolen off this blog....