Sunday, October 28, 2007

Celebration photos

deleted for our safety

Friday, October 26, 2007


As crazy as I think it is, it's already (almost) been 1 year since H was born!!! I am so excited to celebrate with everyone tomorrow.

As happy as I am about the whole thing, I'm a bit sad too that she's growing up so fast. I can't believe that it's been that long since I was sitting at home angry that I was already 5 days overdue!!!

Anyway, my mom helped me change H's car seat to face forward yesterday and H was tickled pink the whole ride home! (my mom had to sit in the seat so that I could get it to buckle tightly enough). It's so good but hard too to get to each new stage. I mourn and miss the last one but am always thrilled to explore the new one! Such is life. :)

Sunday, October 21, 2007

My picture lovin' girlie

Hugging the computer that's taking her picture...such a ham!
More hugs for the camera computer...all the while saying, "aaaaawwww" just like she does with Chris Bear. :)
Laughing at mommy!

Ginormous smiles!

I'm so in love!!!!

all deleted for our safety

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

refocussed and encouraged

I received these words of encouragement this morning:

"but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. they WILL mount up on wings as eagles...they will run and not grow weary and they will walk and not grow faint. His yoke is easy and His burden is light... Come unto me, all who are weak, weary, and heavy laden. Gentle am I, and humble at heart and I will give rest to your soul.
He deals with you with compassion and understanding. He isn't just a Savior unto death but also in life. I am praying for you Arika. He is with you. He hears your cries and says to you: You are not alone.
May the Lord give you great rest and peace tonight. I know He is close to you....."

And remembered that (after smacking myself) He IS Good and He will take care of me. I just have to run to Him and keep my eyes/focus on Him rather than the things around me that are too overwhelming to do on my own.

Thanks L for the reminder and encouragement, it was a great way to start my day today!

And p.s. everything is slowly working itself out and H is a joy to me and now I remember that I can remind myself to leave my work at work instead of stressing at home. :) Thanks again God!

p.s.s. one of my favorite things to do is plan parties and organize so yeah...not sure why that was a problem yesterday...just a random meltdown...

Monday, October 15, 2007


Between all the issues with Mission Maker and planning H's first birthday party(ies) and my dad going out of town for business again I am overwhelmed. I have had so many responsibilities dumped on me during the last month that I feel as though I'm drowning and I may not be able to keep my head above water much longer. I ask for help yet I don't think I'm being heard...

I know I'm losing it when I start to get impatient or frustrated at home. I have one of the most easy going babies I've ever met and find myself losing patience with her when she wants some extra attention...bad mommy...which of course then I have myself a good ol' guilt trip and remember that I'm not stressed by her but by my work and then that starts this endless cycle of do I stay or do I go?!?!? If I stay, how do I make this manageable? Can someone else take on some of this responsibility? I've said so many times that I don't know what the heck I am doing and would prefer not to do____ but, then just a short while later...there I am doing the things I said I'd prefer not to do. Maybe I need to read the Boundaries book again. I've never really needed to learn how to say no but I think I might need to now.

Ok, so this is more just a frustrated bit of complaining but if you think of it/me please pray for me that God would give me wisdom as to what I should do!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Mom Jeans

I think the title says enough, check out this video!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


To my utmost delight I discovered 2 days ago that H happens to love sardines just as much as I do!

It's definitely a family thing, possible passed on from mother to daughter?

This will inevitably lead to many smelly afternoons filled with yummy goodness for us!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


My insides want to be on my outside. Not literally, but my heart just wants to bust outta here. I have the most intense desire to see God glorified through all the pain and struggle I've been through. I want to be used because I know He heals and will restore what the locusts have eaten away. I know and still hurt every time I hear another story. Is it the mamma in me or what, because all I want to do is take those hurts from every one else so that they can melt in Your arms Jesus.
I need more of you Jesus.