Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Sick, sick, sick!

Just when I thought we were done with the flu!

I dropped H off this morning at her daycare and then dropped my dad off at work (his car is broken) and was at work for all of 15 minutes when my girlfriend called and told me H threw up...so sad. It's the first time she's ever thrown up in all her 18 months, poor thing. And my poor girlfriend, she's what I call a sympathy puker (I am too), had to clean it up! Ok, gross, I know. But that's not why I'm posting this....I'm writing this because H did the cutest thing ever a few hours later.

So, once we finally got home after getting some Pedialyte (sp?) and saltines, we snuggled and played a bit but then...she crawled up on my lap and laid her head down on my chest and, to my surprise...she fell asleep! She hasn't done that since she was a couple weeks old. I loved it, even though I know it only happened cuz she's so sick. I wanted to stay like that forever...at least emotionally but, then my back started hurting and I knew she needed to get in her crib for a real nap so she's in bed sleeping now and hopefully getting better. We've been dealing with the flu for two weeks now! Anyway, I wanted to linger over my cute baby moment.